Save custom subtitles to your Brand Kit

Now you can save customized subtitles as brand presets in your Brand Kit for your whole team to access when creating videos.


Following up on our initial release of the Brand Kit and some recent improvements, today we’re extending the power of the Brand Kit to include new controls for creating and managing brand subtitle styles at a team level.

Now when you create and customize subtitles, you can save your customizations as a brand style for reuse across all your videos.

At the simplest level, this could mean setting your brand’s primary font as the default style and selecting your brand’s accent color as the default highlighting color. But if you have multiple subtitle styles for different video types (e.g. one for social, one for long form videos, and so on) you can create as many as you need for whatever videos your team’s creating.

To learn all about this release, check out our blog post and documentation.

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