Streamline social cuts with AI-powered subject detection and reframing

Derek Xiao
Growth Marketing


Create social cuts faster for different channels and aspect ratios with AI-powered reframing that automatically centers your videos subject in the frame.

One of the more time-consuming and recurring challenges for video teams is reformatting content for social platforms — with an underlying question of “how can we do this faster?”

Case study

Translating traditional horizontal videos to vertical and square formats presents a number of challenges:

  1. Cutting long form content into social “highlights”
  2. Navigating social media overlays
  3. Repositioning and resizing titles, captions, and shapes
  4. Reframing content to be centered

We’ve made great progress on the first three items with our AI Editor, new social overlays, and our automatically responsive titles and captions, and we’re excited today to release a huge time-saver in this workflow: automatic subject detection and reframing.

Automatically reframing subjects for different aspect ratios

Now with the help of artificial intelligence, we’ll automatically determine the main subject of your different clips, then center those subjects in the frame as you adapt your videos from one aspect ratio to another.

If you’re working with a finished video that contains multiple camera angles and shots (for example, a live cut broadcast or stream) we’ll also detect where those different shots start and cut your video accordingly to ensure each clip is reframed perfectly.

From a workflow perspective, here’s what this unlocks:

  1. Create cutdowns with AI. Choose your video and cut it down using the AI Editor.
  2. Add captions. Transcribe your clip and add captions.
  3. Build out your edit. Add titles, transitions, and all your finishing touches.
  4. Reframe for social. Duplicate this Scene for a vertical format, and select “Auto-reframe.”
Now when you duplicate a Scene you can select "Auto-reframe" to center subjects and make cuts based on different camera angles.

And just like that, you have a vertical format of your video with all your subjects centered. From there, if you're happy with your results you can quickly export and publish, or if you want to tweak things even further you can do so with the full power of Scenery’s editor.

How to get started

To learn more about how to reframe your videos, check out our documentation. If you’ve got additional updates and changes you’d like to see, join us in Slack and let us know or shoot us an email at We’d love to hear your feedback.


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