Case study: How Hubspot added more power and speed to video creation

Barrett Johnson


Learn how Hubspot's Product Evangelist Kyle Jepson found a powerful new tool for his video projects in Scenery.

As a Product Evangelist at Hubspot, Kyle Jepson plays a key role in sharing the ins and outs of Hubspot with the company’s massive online audiences, creating short tips and tricks videos for social and posting across multiple channels day in and day out.

Case study

”Scenery handles every part of the video creation process with aplomb. What used to take three or more different pieces of software now happens all in one place.”

Kyle Jepson
Product Evangelist

Tons of tools, but none that felt right

As a Product Evangelist at Hubspot, Kyle Jepson plays a key role in sharing the ins and outs of Hubspot with the company’s massive online audiences, creating short tips and tricks videos for social and posting across multiple channels day in and day out. From a day to day perspective, this means Kyle’s a seasoned video creator — and his history with video tools is a testament to the depth of his experience on that front.

“I was a happy Descript user — before I found Scenery”.

Kyle’s history with video tools has been a goldilocks-esque journey, moving between a range of different tools that do some things well but have always seemed to be missing the right blend of precision and power that he wants in his product demo, voiceover, and live action shot videos. In his early days, Kyle learned how to use Screenflow, but struggled with the lack of built-in captions. Eventually he found his way to Descript, and “was a happy Descript user — before I found Scenery.”

Ultimately Kyle wanted something that blended the power and timeline-based model of Screenflow with the ease of use of Descript — and found Scenery to be a perfect middle ground.

Scenery: the perfect combination of power and simplicity

While Descript’s text-based model made editing spoken content very straightforward, Kyle found it limiting, especially when it came to layering elements on top of one another like he could with track-based tools.

As Kyle began to experiment with Scenery, he appreciated the improved accuracy of the transcriptions, which were easy to work with and edit. Additionally, he valued Scenery’s unlimited track structure, allowing him to add multiple video, audio, and title tracks exactly where he wanted them

Kyle’s favorite features (in his own words)

And while Kyle found Scenery to be a happy middle ground between overwhelming Pro tools like Adobe Premiere and simple tools like Descript, he also was happy to discover the depth of power features that the tool offered, including:

  • Automatic subtitles. “Scenery’s accuracy in transcription is world-class. I did a side-by-side comparison, having four different video editors transcribe the same one-minute video, and Scenery once again was a happy medium between the fast-but-inaccurate (Descript is blazing fast but made 16 errors; Capsule is also pretty quick but made 24 errors) and the accurate-but-slow (Screen Studio made zero errors but took FOREVER to do it). Scenery is highly accurate (2 errors) and plenty quick, so that’s a big win!”
  • Clean audio. “Scenery’s clean audio feature has saved multiple videos I would have otherwise had to scrap. It’s removed a grinding noise from a furnace turning on and off when I was filming in my basement, a bunch of fuzziness from when my lav mic was rubbing against my shirt, and the sound of an enormous box fan blowing full-speed just off camera — and it’s so stinkin’ fast! Holy cow, I can’t believe how fast it works.”
  • Syncing clips to audio. “Scenery is the first tool I’ve ever used that can sync clips to audio, and it’s been a game-changer for me. I always assumed I’d need an expensive, professional-grade editing suite to get this sort of functionality, so I was delighted when I stumbled upon it in Scenery, and now I use it all the time!”
  • Scene management. “Having multiple scenes within a single project is huge for me! I often create a base version of a video and then multiple variants for different platforms. Scenery automatically crops videos to different aspect ratios and makes it easy to clone and edit scenes to meet different length requirements. In addition to all this, it has a Canvas view, which I think is totally unique to Scenery, where you can manage multiple versions of a single project and all your different pieces of media so you can view them individually and drop them into the timeline where you think they should go — it’s WILD!”
  • Scene review. “I regularly collaborate with internal and external creators to make my videos, and being able to make a rough cut, share a review link, get comments, re-edit, and re-review is SO MUCH BETTER than anything I’ve done before. I come from a world of editing in one system, exporting the video, uploading to or Google Drive or Dropbox for review, getting comments however I getting them, re-editing and then re-exporting and re-uploading — what a pain! Having it all in one system, and being able to let non-users review, and allowing reviewals of content before it’s exported — I can’t say enough good about how wonderful this is for me!”
  • Auto-ripple timeline. “Scenery is really a joy to use. You can designate a ‘Main A/V’ track, and as you trim and cut the footage you have in that track, all the other tracks move to stay in sync with it. In general, that isn't super relevant for what I do, but as I cut back and forth between camera and screen capture, it shores everything up and makes sure there aren't any gaps. If I want to add something in between two clips, I just drag it in there, and everything else slides down. I really like it a lot.”

These controls enable Kyle to finely tune his edits as necessary, serving as a valuable addition to the enhanced workflow and precision that initially caught his eye.

A faster, more precise video creation process

Nowadays, Kyle is using Scenery on a near-daily basis to produce videos for all his social channels. With Scenery’s built-in screen and audio recording tools and AI-powered reframing controls, he quickly adapts his videos for various formats and lengths. This efficiency allows Kyle to create high-quality content that effectively promotes HubSpot’s latest and greatest features.

His workflow is also significantly smoother now because of how easy Scenery makes collaboration on video projects. Now when he’s working with teammates or external partners, he can send them a shared Collection folder for them to upload content to, which he can then quickly and easily incorporate into an edit without a complicated file transfer process.


Try Scenery for your next video project

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